Support Limmud Seattle

Limmud Seattle is entirely volunteer run, powered by
the vision and investment of people from across our community. Partner with us by making a donation.


3 reasons to donate


We Welcome Everyone to Participate

Limmud events around the world bring together people and communities for a unique learning experience.

Your contribution will help make possible the creation of an environment that supports Jewish unity, equality and togetherness.


We Are a Volunteer-run Organization

Limmud Seattle is an independent non-profit organization and is completely volunteer-run.

Limmud presenters are also volunteers who pay to attend the conference. We rely on contributions from the community to help make our annual festival a reality.


Your Donation Supports All Who Want to Learn

We offer a “pay-what-you-can” option for those unable to pay the full cost in order to welcome the widest possible community.

Your donated funds help those who can only afford to pay part of the registration fee, including educators, students, and young families.


Limmud Seattle is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization. Contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Donations will be acknowledged in the Festival program book and on this website. If you prefer to remain anonymous, please indicate that on the above form or with your mail-in donation to:

Limmud Seattle

720 N. 10th Street, Suite A-356

Renton, WA  98057